¦ U-Boot 2010.06-svn (Nov 24 2015 - 16:37:38)[V1.2.1] *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment Hit ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 0 ### CRAMFS load complete: 3096120 bytes loaded to 0x82000000 ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 82000000 ... Loading Kernel Image ... OK OK Starting kernel ... Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel. Tue Jul 25 19:25:55 UTC 2023 Starting udev: [ OK ] sdbg: serverip: fastboot is language is 1 devtype is a847 BusyBox v1.2.1 Protect Shell (psh) Enter 'help' for a list of davinci system commands. # / ----------<1> tar guir webs ---------- # ----------<2> show logo ---------- chmod: /dev/ttyS3: No such file or directory scriptCmd: ./load3521a -i 0. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BOARD_SEC_TYPE is a847~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DS_72HQH_F_N mmz allot OK DS_72HQH_F_N *** Board tools : ver0.0.1_20121120 *** [debug]: {source/utils/cmdshell.c:166}cmdstr:himm 0x120f0000: 0x00000002 --> 0x00000002 [END] *** Board tools : ver0.0.1_20121120 *** [debug]: {source/utils/cmdshell.c:166}cmdstr:himm 0x120f004c: 0x00000002 --> 0x00000002 [END] *** Board tools : ver0.0.1_20121120 *** [debug]: {source/utils/cmdshell.c:166}cmdstr:himm 0x120400b4: 0x00000035 --> 0x00000035 [END] ==== load 3521a AD device ==== check adNum tp2802:0,tp2806:0,tp2822:0,tp2823:0,tp2824:0,tp2833C:2,tw2964:0 tw2968:0 nvp6114a:0 nvp6124b:0 cmdBuf:insmod extdrv/tp2823.ko gpioType=0 ===== The Board Secret type is a847 [loadAd 0] ===== insert audio load K55 ok / ----------<4> del no use res ---------- Can't open parameter file on flash, errno=0x2. iSCSI daemon with pid=1120 started!pdev_hard_info->ataCtrlNums=1 file:src/pal_api.c,line:416, pal_module_init successfully getPPPOECfg: from /home/app/config/devCfg.bin ok. remove pppoed! ==================enablePPPoE failed!!! file:src/pal_api.c,line:379, pal_module_init has been called t1: wait storage [2] and gui[2] and hicore[2] and ipcm[0] and toolserver[0] :0 remove error fun:hisi_watchdog_init, line:3379 hisi_watchdog_init(/dev/watchdog, 27) ok iDogTimeOut:25 Sec! /*********************init_global_error_lib*/, init_global_error_lib start! :0 getDeviceCfgParams:DevCfgParam mmaped success dns handle set eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee RTNETLINK answers: No such process RTNETLINK answers: No such process RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory fun:hisi_dsp_init, line:2049 --------------init dsp -------------------- fun:hisi_main_dsp_init, line:1351 Device Main Vo Chan is 2[0] menuDispChan = 0 g_pDspInitPara->exNetPoolMain.vAddr =0xb22d8008 g_pDspInitPara->exNetPoolMain.totalLen =0x80000 g_pDspInitPara->exRecPool[0].strAddr[0].vAddr =0xb21d6000 g_pDspInitPara->exRecPool[0].strAddr[0].totalLen =0x100000 *** [HI3531] DSP Build Time: [Feb 20 2017 19:31:03] *** sizeof(DSPINITPARA) 3106368 viType=53 aiType=15,support720:0 bDvs 0 --bSupportZeroEncode=1 maxD1EncChns=4 NetOsdType=2 dspIdx=0 boardType=27 boardTypeEx=0 machineType=0xa847 dispMode=5 menuDispChan 0 bSupportHalf:0 decMode:0 bNvpAutoDetect:0 -- --encChanCnt=8 decChanCnt=8 dispChanCnt=3,IpcChanCnt = 0, dspIdx=0,shipin7AesCnt 1-packetType 0x5,subPacketType 0x4 rtpPackLen:1376--voStandard:2 Func:checkAd line 351 check adNum tp2802:0,tp2806:0,tp2822:0,tp2823:0,tp2824:0,tp2833C:2 Func:checkAd line 353 check adNum tw2964:0,tw2968:0,nvp6114a:0,nvp6124b:0,nvp6134:0,nvp6134b:0 TVI Share Param bCompatibility:0 TVI Share Param bHGH:0 --reserved:[0] = 0,[1] = 0,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0,[5] = 0,[6] = 0,[7] = 0,[8] = 0,[9] = 0,[10] = 0,[11] = 0,[12] = 0,[13] = 0,[14] = 0,[15] = 0,[16] = 0,[17] = 0,[18] = 0, --bdvs=0 audioChanCnt 0 audioAdType 27-- --pDspInitPara->tviShareParam.bG711A=0 -- --audio encode & decode type is G711_U -- --talkBackType=0 , old talktype 0x7110, device_info=0-- bHaveCvbsVo = 1 dispchan0:1 viChnCas:1 voDevCas:7 dispchan_1:0 viChnCas2 voDevCas:8 HI_MPI_SYS_GetCustomCode...done HISI_CHIP_SECRET success !!!!!!DSP Idx:0 StopVoOutput HD -------tpBuild:6---g_pDspInitPara->tviShareParam.AdVerSions:9------ NoAnalogChanCntStat, line 228, closeChanCnt 0 --------vcaChanNum 0----ViCloseChanCnt:0------ func:InitSys, line:593, vcaChanNum 0 armNeedBufLen = 0 bEnableCache=0 Src packetType=0x5 subPacketType=0x4 RecStoreType=0x1 NetStoreType=0x4 SubRecStoreType=0x0 SubNetStoreType=0x4 ----------HI_MPI_SYS_MmzAlloc ok!!!!!!!!!! ##shipin 7 plug initing...## ***InitAudio aiType = 15 bExtendAi=0 analogAiMask =0 extendAiMask=0*** chan=0 aiDev=0 aiChan=0 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0 chan=1 aiDev=0 aiChan=1 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0 chan=2 aiDev=0 aiChan=2 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0 chan=3 aiDev=0 aiChan=3 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0 chan=4 aiDev=0 aiChan=4 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0 chan=5 aiDev=0 aiChan=5 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0 chan=6 aiDev=0 aiChan=6 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0 chan=7 aiDev=0 aiChan=7 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0 config ai sample rate 1 aoChan=0 aoDev=0 aoTrack=0 aoTrackCnt=1 aoTrack=0 aoChan=1 aoDev=0 aoTrack=0 aoTrackCnt=1 aoTrack=1 aoChan=2 aoDev=1 aoTrack=0 aoTrackCnt=2 aoTrack=0 aoChan=2 aoDev=1 aoTrack=1 aoTrackCnt=2 aoTrack=1 talkBack aiChan = 0 [0]g722 resample alloc buf size:4032 0x2217748 inputsize:1280 outputsize:660 [1]g722 resample alloc buf size:4032 0x2219800 inputsize:1280 outputsize:660 [2]g722 resample alloc buf size:4032 0x221b8b8 inputsize:1280 outputsize:660 -----------Init g726 dec audio,mem size 0xf8 reserved frm len 0 [0]G722 in_frame_size 1280 [1]G722 in_frame_size 1280 [2]G722 in_frame_size 1280 [3]G722 in_frame_size 1280 [4]G722 in_frame_size 1280 [5]G722 in_frame_size 1280 [6]G722 in_frame_size 1280 [7]G722 in_frame_size 1280 InitAudio ok!!! [InitVi] viType 53, encChanCnt = 8 InitViChnAbility chan:0 AppAbility:0x2 InitViChnAbility chan:1 AppAbility:0x2 InitViChnAbility chan:2 AppAbility:0x1 InitViChnAbility chan:3 AppAbility:0x1 InitViChnAbility chan:4 AppAbility:0x1 InitViChnAbility chan:5 AppAbility:0x1 InitViChnAbility chan:6 AppAbility:0x1 InitViChnAbility chan:7 AppAbility:0x1 chan = 0 videv = 0,vichn = 0 chan:0 IsViClosed:0 chan = 1 videv = 0,vichn = 2 chan:1 IsViClosed:0 chan = 2 videv = 1,vichn = 4 chan:2 IsViClosed:0 chan = 3 videv = 1,vichn = 6 chan:3 IsViClosed:0 chan = 4 videv = 2,vichn = 8 chan:4 IsViClosed:0 chan = 5 videv = 2,vichn = 10 chan:5 IsViClosed:0 chan = 6 videv = 3,vichn = 12 chan:6 IsViClosed:0 chan = 7 videv = 3,vichn = 14 chan:7 IsViClosed:0 voStandard = 2, boardtype = 27 [InitViTp2802] init Tp2802 ok,portStaticMode:1 bWD1Double:2 1-----------initvpss grp:0 === s32ChnId 0 chan 0 1-----------initvpss grp:1 === s32ChnId 0 chan 1 1-----------initvpss grp:2 === s32ChnId 0 chan 2 1-----------initvpss grp:3 === s32ChnId 0 chan 3 1-----------initvpss grp:4 === s32ChnId 0 chan 4 1-----------initvpss grp:5 === s32ChnId 0 chan 5 1-----------initvpss grp:6 === s32ChnId 0 chan 6 1-----------initvpss grp:7 === s32ChnId 0 chan 7 3-----------initvpss grp:8 Vpss Max W H 4096 4080 4-----------initvpss grp:80 [InitVi] init video input device and channel ok [InitDecoder] start init decoder decChanCnt = 8 Alloc Mem For Reserver PlayBack BlkSize=204800 initPlayBackEnc initPlayBackEnc OK! chan=65 VeChn=65 --SrcDecChn=0 SrcEncChn=65 DstDecChn=9 bDstDecChnMuxed=0-- [InitDecoder] OK [InitIpcDecoder] start init decoder shipin7AesCnt = 1, ipcChanCnt = 0, sp7ChanCnt = 10 FUNC GetNetPoolAttr line 741 chanMode=5 err [InitIPC] OK 15 ---int DoubleVpss vppsGrpNum:9 initIpcVpss complete! 17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:10 17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:11 17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:12 17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:13 17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:14 17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:15 17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:16 17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:17 InitDecVpssModule complete! *** Func: InitAes, phCipher = 0x640001 ok*** init ENC_OSD u32Size=4599808 init disp_OSD u32Size=737280 init zero_OSD u32Size=118272 InitLogoMem u32Size=2097152 pos error ---[InitPosMem] err, not support pos--- --i:0 virtRgbAddr:a8cd8000 menuBufSize 4608000 ----i:1 virtRgbAddr:a8c0d000 menuBufSize 829440 --InitJpgSnap Que Venc For VI_ENC_JPG:0 InitJpgSnap Que Venc For DEC_ENC_JPG:1 12---------initvpss grp:18 12---------initvpss grp:19 13---------initvpss grp:81 heatPool PoolID=11 size=622080 *** Fun: InitEncode, start *** 9---------initvpss grp:20 chan: 0 bindVpssForMinorVi: 20 chan: 0 bStaticMode: 1 9---------initvpss grp:21 chan: 1 bindVpssForMinorVi: 21 chan: 1 bStaticMode: 1 9---------initvpss grp:22 chan: 2 bindVpssForMinorVi: 22 chan: 2 bStaticMode: 1 9---------initvpss grp:23 chan: 3 bindVpssForMinorVi: 23 chan: 3 bStaticMode: 1 9---------initvpss grp:24 chan: 4 bindVpssForMinorVi: 24 chan: 4 bStaticMode: 1 9---------initvpss grp:25 chan: 5 bindVpssForMinorVi: 25 chan: 5 bStaticMode: 1 9---------initvpss grp:26 chan: 6 bindVpssForMinorVi: 26 chan: 6 bStaticMode: 1 9---------initvpss grp:27 chan: 7 bindVpssForMinorVi: 27 chan: 7 bStaticMode: 1 --------InitZeroEnc!-------- 8---------initvpss grp:82 FUNC GetNetPoolAttr line 749 chanMode=1 pool 0xb5258484, pNetVAddr 0x0,pMute 0x194df74,err --------ZeroEnc Init OK!-------- Func: InitEncode, end Func: InitVo, viType:53,dispMode:5 start InitVo voDev = 0, 1 ### 1 ### ###InitVoDev 0 [InitVoDev] voDev 0, bHD 1, vgaType 105 Func: GetVoCfg_HD, voDev 0,type 105 u32Width 1280, u32Height 1024 voDev 0, voLayer 0, enPartMode 1 StartVoVideoLayer, VOLayer 0 Func: GetVoCfg_HD, voDev 0,type 105 u32Width 1280, u32Height 1024 -----------start hdmi ---------------------------------- Func SetLayerBind, Layer 0, return ###InitVoDev 1 [InitVoDev] voDev 1, bHD 0, vgaType 105 SetDispBufLen ok! VoDev=1,VoDevBuf=7 voDev 1, voLayer 2, enPartMode 0 StartVoVideoLayer, VOLayer 2 Func SetLayerBind, Layer 1, return StartPipLayer menuDispChan 0 stImageSize u32Width=320 u32Height=256 Func: InitVo, start OK [RECODE_init]start... init encoder 12 Func:RECODE_init, init vpss 28 [RECODE_init]ok... [RECODE_init]start... init encoder 13 Func:RECODE_init, init vpss 29 [RECODE_init]ok... [RECODE_init]start... init encoder 14 Func:RECODE_init, init vpss 30 [RECODE_init]ok... [RECODE_init]start... init encoder 15 Func:RECODE_init, init vpss 31 [RECODE_init]ok... Init Heat is ok! [### InitIAD ok! ###] smd g_pDspInitPara->tviShareParam.SmdNum is 0, SCD g_pDspInitPara->tviShareParam.IntelligentNum = 0 vca DspVcaInitOsd OK! vca Init vca success vca DspVcaInitMetaDataPack: ok vca DspVcaScdInit chanNum = 0 vca DspVcaScdInit OK! [smart264_init]i is 0 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 1 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 2 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 3 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 4 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 5 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 6 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 7 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 8 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 9 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 10 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 11 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 12 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 13 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 14 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 15 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 16 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 17 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 18 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 19 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 20 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 21 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 22 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 23 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 24 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 25 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 26 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 27 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 28 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 29 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 30 ,bEnabe 0 [smart264_init]i is 31 ,bEnabe 0 ***** Init smart264_init***** err 0 [dsp_smartH264Init]done...ret 0 pid:1123 tid:1227 name:TskPTZFrqSyn stopHDMI! Func: GetVoCfg_HD, voDev 0,type 105 u32Width 1280, u32Height 1024 pid:1123 tid:1188 name:TskProcessAudio pid:1123 tid:1214 name:dspOsdRefresh pid:1123 tid:1204 name:OutputVideoPro6 pid:1123 tid:1196 name:OutputVideoPro2 pid:1123 tid:1198 name:OutputVideoPro3 pid:1123 tid:1206 name:OutputVideoPro7 pid:1123 tid:1200 name:OutputVideoPro4 pid:1123 tid:1192 name:OutputVideoPro0 pid:1123 tid:1194 name:OutputVideoPro1 pid:1123 tid:1202 name:OutputVideoPro5 pid:1123 tid:1220 name:dspAllChnStream pid:1123 tid:1215 name:dspOsdColor PoolID=51 bufnum=2 pid:1123 tid:1208 name:SendFrmToPBEnc pid:1123 tid:1209 name:ReverseEncFrame pid:1123 tid:1210 name:PlayGroup pid:1123 tid:1211 name:SendDecToVpss pid:1123 tid:1221 name:dspExChnStream64 pid:1123 tid:1216 name:dspMd pid:1123 tid:1212 name:dspDownIPCStream10 pid:1123 tid:1223 name:dspPeriod pid:1123 tid:1224 name:tskGetVcaAiData pid:1123 tid:1225 name:tskProcessVcaAiData pid:1123 tid:1203 name:dspDownStream6 pid:1123 tid:1195 name:dspDownStream2 pid:1123 tid:1197 name:dspDownStream3 pid:1123 tid:1205 name:dspDownStream7 pid:1123 tid:1207 name:DspGetDecPic PoolID=52 size=622080 pid:1123 tid:1199 name:dspDownStream4 pid:1123 tid:1191 name:dspDownStream0 pid:1123 tid:1193 name:dspDownStream1 pid:1123 tid:1201 name:dspDownStream5 pid:1123 tid:1213 name:ZeroDecStream pid:1123 tid:1189 name:vidDetectmix chan 0, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0 chan 1, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0 chan 2, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0 chan 3, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0 chan 4, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0 chan 5, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0 chan 6, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0 chan 7, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0 DetachRgnFrmViChn!!!!!!!!OK chan:0 relateChan:0 we need to ReCreateVpss chan:0 vpssGrp:0 u32MaxW:1580 u32MaxH:720 DetachRgnFrmViChn!!!!!!!!OK chan:1 relateChan:1 we need to ReCreateVpss chan:1 vpssGrp:1 u32MaxW:1580 u32MaxH:720 fun:ReConfigMuxVi viDev = 0 ,viWorkMode =1 -> 1 pid:1123 tid:1190 name:tskTp2802GetPtzData pid:1123 tid:1222 name:SendVoFrmToEnc pid:1123 tid:1217 name:dspCd pid:1123 tid:1218 name:TskProcEncJpeg stopHDMI ok! ReConfigMuxVi, line 6550, ViChn 0,HI_MPI_VI_DisableUserPic success!!!!! Func: GetVoCfg_HD, voDev 0,type 105 u32Width 1280, u32Height 1024 voDev 0, voLayer 0, enPartMode 1 StartVoVideoLayer, VOLayer 0 stImageSize u32Width=320 u32Height=256 Func: GetVoCfg_HD, voDev 0,type 105 u32Width 1280, u32Height 1024 -----------start hdmi ---------------------------------- A viChn = 0 bind mode videv = 0,ViWay = 0 ***** InitDsp OK***** hisi_main_dsp_init:DSPINITPARA=3106368 ************g_pDspInitPara[0xb4f67008], menuShareBuf 0[0xb4fd6ffc, pAddr=0xa62cb000, vAddr=0xa8cd8000, w:1920,h1200,p:1920] 1[0xb4fd7010, pAddr=0xa6730000, vAddr=0xa8c0d000, w:720,h576,p:720], main : HIKIO_FREE_LOGO_BUFF failed errno = 38. hisi_freelogo_buffer is succsse 0 fun:hisi_dsp_init, line:2070 ------ dsp is init Ok iRetVal:0--------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DSP Init Ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Func]:HI_MPI_HDMI_GenEvent [Line]:113 [Info]:HDMI EVENT TYPE:0x11 orgHdmiVoChanIdx 0 NO_HI_HDMI_EVENT_HOTPLUG!!! fun:hisi_fill_8_screen_param, line:1689 window dispInfo[w:1280, h:1024], step(320, 256), last(320, 256) fun:hisi_fill_8_screen_param, line:1689 window dispInfo[w:704, h:576], step(176, 144), last(176, 144) ReConfigMuxVi, line 6593, ViChn 2,HI_MPI_VI_DisableUserPic success!!!!! init_stream_buf, pInStreamBuf:0xa86fe008, pOutStreamBuf:0xa877e008 wait storage [2] and gui[2] :0 B ViDev 0, viChn = 2 bind mode videv = 0,ViWay = 1 Videv = 0,enIntfMode = 0,enClkEdge = 2,workMode = 1 dsp_StartVpssGrp chan:0 Vi Mode:0 Detec Vi->Vpss Updata Videv:0 ViChn:0 dsp_StartVpssGrp chan:1 Vi Mode:0 Detec Vi->Vpss Updata Videv:0 ViChn:2 DetachRgnFrmViChn!!!!!!!!OK chan:2 relateChan:2 we need to ReCreateVpss chan:2 vpssGrp:2 u32MaxW:1580 u32MaxH:720 DetachRgnFrmViChn!!!!!!!!OK chan:3 relateChan:3 we need to ReCreateVpss chan:3 vpssGrp:3 u32MaxW:1580 u32MaxH:720 fun:ReConfigMuxVi viDev = 1 ,viWorkMode =1 -> 1 ReConfigMuxVi, line 6550, ViChn 4,HI_MPI_VI_DisableUserPic success!!!!! A viChn = 4 bind mode videv = 1,ViWay = 0 ReConfigMuxVi, line 6593, ViChn 6,HI_MPI_VI_DisableUserPic success!!!!! B ViDev 1, viChn = 6 bind mode videv = 1,ViWay = 1 Videv = 1,enIntfMode = 0,enClkEdge = 2,workMode = 1 :0 dsp_StartVpssGrp chan:2 Vi Mode:0 Detec Vi->Vpss Updata Videv:1 ViChn:4 dsp_StartVpssGrp chan:3 Vi Mode:0 Detec Vi->Vpss Updata Videv:1 ViChn:6 DetachRgnFrmViChn!!!!!!!!OK chan:4 relateChan:4 we need to ReCreateVpss chan:4 vpssGrp:4 u32MaxW:1580 u32MaxH:720 DetachRgnFrmViChn!!!!!!!!OK chan:5 relateChan:5 we need to ReCreateVpss chan:5 vpssGrp:5 u32MaxW:1580 u32MaxH:720 fun:ReConfigMuxVi viDev = 2 ,viWorkMode =1 -> 1 ReConfigMuxVi, line 6550, ViChn 8,HI_MPI_VI_DisableUserPic success!!!!! A viChn = 8 bind mode videv = 2,ViWay = 0 ReConfigMuxVi, line 6593, ViChn 10,HI_MPI_VI_DisableUserPic success!!!!! B ViDev 2, viChn = 10 bind mode videv = 2,ViWay = 1 Videv = 2,enIntfMode = 0,enClkEdge = 2,workMode = 1 dsp_StartVpssGrp chan:4 Vi Mode:0 Detec Vi->Vpss Updata Videv:2 ViChn:8 dsp_StartVpssGrp chan:5 Vi Mode:0 Detec Vi->Vpss Updata Videv:2 ViChn:10 DetachRgnFrmViChn!!!!!!!!OK chan:6 relateChan:6 we need to ReCreateVpss chan:6 vpssGrp:6 u32MaxW:1580 u32MaxH:720 DetachRgnFrmViChn!!!!!!!!OK chan:7 relateChan:7 we need to ReCreateVpss chan:7 vpssGrp:7 u32MaxW:1580 u32MaxH:720 fun:ReConfigMuxVi viDev = 3 ,viWorkMode =1 -> 1 ReConfigMuxVi, line 6550, ViChn 12,HI_MPI_VI_DisableUserPic success!!!!! A viChn = 12 bind mode videv = 3,ViWay = 0 ReConfigMuxVi, line 6593, ViChn 14,HI_MPI_VI_DisableUserPic success!!!!! B ViDev 3, viChn = 14 bind mode videv = 3,ViWay = 1 Videv = 3,enIntfMode = 0,enClkEdge = 2,workMode = 1 dsp_StartVpssGrp chan:6 Vi Mode:0 Detec Vi->Vpss Updata Videv:3 ViChn:12 dsp_StartVpssGrp chan:7 Vi Mode:0 Detec Vi->Vpss Updata Videv:3 ViChn:14 t1: wait storage [0] and gui[2] and hicore[0] and ipcm[0] and toolserver[0] wait storage [0] and gui[2] standard: u32Luma = 50, u32Contrast = 50, u32Saturation = 50, u32Hue = 50, u32Gain = 20 HostSetAudioVolume chan:2,open:1,level:3,volume:50 HostSetAudioVolume chan:0,open:1,level:3,volume:50 maxIPCcount[0] maxAnalogCount[8] HostSetZeroEncoderParam----chan:0 IFrameInterval=12 fps=c t1: wait storage [0] and gui[0] and hicore[0] and ipcm[0] and toolserver[0] ----------------------RGN err!chan:0 line:0 resolution:4115 dstW:332 dstH:20 u32Width:192 u32Height:16-------------------- ----------------------RGN err!chan:1 line:0 resolution:4115 dstW:332 dstH:20 u32Width:192 u32Height:16-------------------- ----------------------RGN err!chan:2 line:0 resolution:4115 dstW:332 dstH:20 u32Width:192 u32Height:16-------------------- ----------------------RGN err!chan:3 line:0 resolution:4115 dstW:332 dstH:20 u32Width:192 u32Height:16-------------------- ----------------------RGN err!chan:4 line:0 resolution:4115 dstW:332 dstH:20 u32Width:192 u32Height:16-------------------- ----------------------RGN err!chan:5 line:0 resolution:4115 dstW:332 dstH:20 u32Width:192 u32Height:16-------------------- ----------------------RGN err!chan:6 line:0 resolution:4115 dstW:332 dstH:20 u32Width:192 u32Height:16-------------------- ----------------------RGN err!chan:7 line:0 resolution:4115 dstW:332 dstH:20 u32Width:192 u32Height:16-------------------- big_bit_mask p[0xa833eb88], idx[-1] error!func[big_bit_mask],line[63] SendSnmpTrapMsg(eSnmpTrapType trapType) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sc_hicore is start ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vqd_init: HIKVQD_GetMemSize succeed, i = 0 size = 512 space = 3 vqd_init: HIKVQD_GetMemSize succeed, i = 1 size = 1183744 space = 3 VQD VER: 1.0.8 DATE: 2016.12.13 10---------initvpss grp:90 HostInitVQD!!!OK!!m_i_vqdInitProcW==704,m_i_vqdInitProcH==576,m_i_vqdInitAbility==7,m_i_vqdInitValidNum==8 m_b_vqdUseSrcVi=0!!! HostStartPollingVQD: ---OK!!!g_i_vqdEnable==1!!!g_i_vqdHostInterval=180 [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession() [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::Free [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession() [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::Free [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession() [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::Free [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession() [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::Free [07-25 19:26:27][1][1327]p2pLinkManage Destruct Ok [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession() [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::Free [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession() [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::Free [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession() [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::Free [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession() [07-25 19:26:27][3][1327]RemoteSession::Free StartSnmpAgent(void) [07-25 19:26:27][2][1353]check remote session thread begin pid:1123 tid:1352 name:tskVqdProcess read_rs485: recv data 0 Device Is Ready $$$$$$$$$$$$$ iAoChans[4] $$$$$$$$$$$$$ g_aoChan[0]=[2] 3