spi_general_get_flash_register spi_gd25qxxx_entry_4addr spi_general_write_enable spi_general_wait_ready spi_general_entry_4addr spi_w25q256fv_entry_4addr spi_micron_entry_4addr spi_s25fl256s_entry_4addr spi_nor_reset_pin_enable spi_gd25qxxx_qe_enable spi_mx25l25635e_qe_enable spi_w25q256fv_qe_enable spi_general_qe_enable %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz -0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef U-Boot 2010.06 (Aug 20 2018 - 14:07:07) hifmc100_reg_erase_one_block hifmc100_dma_transfer hifmc100_spi_nor_init HAL_DISP_SetIntfEnable HAL_DISP_SetIntfSync HAL_DISP_SetIntfMuxSel HAL_DISP_SetVtThdMode HAL_DISP_SetDateCoeff HAL_VIDEO_SetLayerUpMode HAL_VIDEO_SetIfirMode HAL_VIDEO_SetIfirCoef HAL_VIDEO_SetLayerDispRect HAL_VIDEO_SetLayerVideoRect HAL_VIDEO_SetMultiAreaLAddr HAL_VIDEO_SetMultiAreaCAddr HAL_VIDEO_SetMultiAreaEnable HAL_VIDEO_SetMultiAreaReso HAL_VIDEO_SetMultiAreaRect HAL_LAYER_EnableLayer HAL_LAYER_SetLayerDataFmt HAL_LAYER_SetCscCoef HAL_LAYER_SetLayerInRect HAL_LAYER_SetLayerOutRect HAL_LAYER_SetLayerGalpha HAL_LAYER_SetZmeEnable HAL_LAYER_SetZmeFirEnable HAL_LAYER_SetZmeMscEnable HAL_LAYER_SetVerRatio HAL_GRAPHIC_SetGfxAddr HAL_GRAPHIC_SetGfxStride HAL_GRAPHIC_SetGfxExt HAL_GRAPHIC_SetGfxPreMult HAL_GRAPHIC_SetGfxPalpha HAL_GRAPHIC_SetGfxPalphaRange HAL_CBM_SetCbmMixerPrio 1QHISILICON LOGO MAGIC CheckUpdateforceFromUsb EPTGMK0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ### pc : [<%08lx>] lr : [<%08lx>] sp : %08lx ip : %08lx fp : %08lx r10: %08lx r9 : %08lx r8 : %08lx r7 : %08lx r6 : %08lx r5 : %08lx r4 : %08lx r3 : %08lx r2 : %08lx r1 : %08lx r0 : %08lx IRQs %s FIQs %s Mode %s%s undefined instruction fast interrupt request ## Warning: gatewayip needed but not set ARP Retry count exceeded; starting again ICMP Host Redirect to %pI4 *** ERROR: ping address not given *** ERROR: `serverip' not set *** ERROR: `ipaddr' not set *** ERROR: `ethaddr' not set Bytes transferred = %ld (%lx hex) Retry count exceeded; starting again [BlockCounter Reset] %lu.%03lu MB upload ok. TFTP error: First block is not block 1 (%ld) TFTP error: '%s' (%d) TFTP timeout (%ld ms) too low, set minimum = 1000 ms %02lX%02lX%02lX%02lX.img *** Warning: no boot file name; using '%s' ; our IP address is ; sending through gateway %pI4 Upload Filename '%s'. Download Filename '%s'. Size is 0x%x Bytes = Upload from address: 0x%lx, %lu.%03lu MB to be send ... Download to address: 0x%lx *** WARNING: %s is too long (%d - max: %d) - truncated SPI Nor total size: %uMB %s(%d): Error: Wait cmd cpu finish timeout! %s(%d): Error: %s 4-byte failed! SR:%#x %s(%d): Error: Write Enable failed! status: %#x %s(%d): Error: SPI nor wait ready timeout, status[%#x] %s(%d): Error: %s 4-byte failed! SR3:%#x %s(%d): Error: Enter 4-byte failed! [%#x] %s(%d): Error: %s 4bytes failed! bank: %#x %s(%d): Error: %s Quad failed, reg: %#x %s(%d): Error: %s Quad failed! reg: %#x %s(%d): Error: %s Quad failed! reg:%#x SPI Nor(cs %d) ID: %#x %#x %#x BUG! ID len out of range. BUG: failure at %s:%d/%s()! W25Q16(B/C)V/S25FL016K %s(%d): Error: Erase area out of range of mtd. %s(%d): Error: Erase start address is not alignment. %s(%d): Error: Erase length is not alignment. Warning: Hifmc IP is busy, Please try again. %s(%d): BUG: Error: Erase memory out of range. %s(%d): Error: Erase wait ready fail! reg:%#x %s(%d): Error: Wait dma int finish timeout! %s(%d): read area out of range[%#x]. %s(%d): read length is 0. %s(%d): Error: Dma read wait ready fail! %s(%d): BUG: read memory out of range. %s(%d): Error: Dma read wait ready fail!! %s(%d): write data out of range. %s(%d): write length is 0. %s(%d): BUG: write memory out of range. %s(%d): Error: Flash type isn't SPI Nor. reg: %#x %s(%d): Error: SPI Nor host init failed, result: %d Invalid phy_intf(mii, rmii, or rgmii).Set ETH%d default to mii. Dectected gmac%d phyaddr set to 0, is it right? Dectected gmac%d phyaddr set to val(%lu) >= 32.This may not correct, use default phyaddr=%u ETH%d: port_mode=%s, mii_name=%s, phy_addr=%d init eth%d hw desc depth fail! ETH%d: PHY(phyaddr=%d, %s) not link! PHY IDR1 read failed PHY IDR2 read failed Invalid speed(%d) & interface(%d) mode. Please assign which mode our eth will correctly work at. It may support 10M/100M MII, 10M/100M RMII, 10M/100M/1000M RGMII interface. eg. if your board have two NICs, connecting each phy using mii and rgmii interface, you can use the module param 'port_mode=mii,rgmii' to tell the driver. ETH%d: PHY(phyaddr=%d, %s) link UP: DUPLEX=%s : SPEED=%s %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X init eth%d hw desc queue fail! ## Starting application at 0x%08lX ... ## Application terminated, rc = 0x%lX Perform RESET of the CPU start application at address 'addr' ## Transferring control to RTEMS (at address %08lx) ... ## Transferring control to NetBSD stage-2 loader (at address %08lx) ... kernel image will overwrite uboot! kernel boot fail! Uncompressing %s ... GUNZIP: uncompress, out-of-mem or overwrite error - must RESET board to recover Unimplemented compression type %d ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at %08lx ... Verifying Checksum ... Wrong Image Type for %s command Wrong Image Format for %s command ERROR: can't get kernel image! ERROR: unknown image format type! Could not find kernel entry point! Ramdisk image is corrupt or invalid Unsupported Architecture 0x%x Trying to execute a command out of order cmdline subcommand not supported bdt subcommand not supported prep subcommand not supported WARNING: legacy format multi component image overwritten ERROR: new format image overwritten - must RESET the board to recover ERROR: booting os '%s' (%d) is not supported boot application image from memory Command [ddr %s] is unsupport. Command [ddr log %s] is unsupport. Set DDR training log level [%s] suc. WL not support run repeatedly. %s Already done once, can not do again. DDR training finished. DDR training area: 0x%08X - 0x%08X ddr training function jpgd - decode jpeg picture. usage: fatinfo ** Invalid boot device ** ** Invalid boot device, use `dev[:part]' ** ** Unable to use %s %d:%d for fatinfo ** usage: fatload [bytes] ** Unable to use %s %d:%d for fatload ** ** Unable to read "%s" from %s %d:%d ** usage: fatls [directory] ** Unable to use %s %d:%d for fatls ** print information about filesystem list files in a directory (default /) load binary file from a dos filesystem Boot from unknown device, please check your hardware config. version: %lx.%lx.%lx print hardware information print command description/usage ## Total Size = 0x%08x = %d Bytes ## Switch baudrate to %d bps and press ENTER ... ## Ready for binary (ymodem) download to 0x%08lX at %d bps... ## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x%08lX at %d bps... ## Binary (kermit) download aborted ## Start Addr = 0x%08lX ## Switch baudrate to %d bps and press ESC ... load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode) load binary file over serial line (kermit mode) Base Address: 0x%08lx Tested %d iteration(s) with %lu errors. Pattern %08lX Writing...%12s Mem error @ 0x%08X: found %08lX, expected %08lX word at 0x%08lx (0x%08lx) != word at 0x%08lx (0x%08lx) halfword at 0x%08lx (0x%04x) != halfword at 0x%08lx (0x%04x) byte at 0x%08lx (0x%02x) != byte at 0x%08lx (0x%02x) Total of %ld %s%s were the same CRC32 for %08lx ... %08lx ==> %08lx simple RAM read/write test infinite loop on address range print or set address offset checksum calculation memory modify (constant address) memory modify (auto-incrementing address) IEEE 802.9 ISLAN-16T %u. (%04hx) -- %s -- %2u,%2u = b%u%u speed selection = %s Mbps %2u = %5u duplex = %s %2u-%2u = %5u selector = %s %2u-%2u = %u selector = %s PHY 0x%02X: OUI = 0x%04X, Model = 0x%02X, Rev = 0x%02X, %3dbase%s, %s Error reading from the PHY addr=%02x reg=%02x addr=%02x reg=%02x data= Error writing to the PHY addr=%02x reg=%02x The MII dump command only formats the standard MII registers, 0-5. MII utility commands asymmetric pause able 100BASE-X full duplex able 10BASE-T full duplex able 100BASE-TX full duplex able 10BASE-T full duplex able manufacturer part number manufacturer rev. number 100BASE-X full duplex able 100BASE-X half duplex able 10 Mbps full duplex able 10 Mbps half duplex able 100BASE-T2 full duplex able 100BASE-T2 half duplex able MF preamble suppression extended capabilities collision test enable PHY control register Autonegotiation advertisement register Autonegotiation partner abilities register Automatic boot of image at addr 0x%08lX ... ping failed; host %s is not alive send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol tftp - download or upload image via network using TFTP protocol boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol Saving Environment to %s... Environment size: %d/%ld bytes ## Error: "%s" not defined ## Error: illegal character '=' in variable name "%s" ## Baudrate %d bps not supported ## Error: environment overflow, "%s" deleted set environment variables print environment variables save environment variables to persistent storage Failed to initialize SPI flash at %u:%u %u KiB %s at %u:%u is now current device Usage: sf probe [bus:]cs [hz] [mode] No SPI flash selected. Please run `sf probe' ERROR: read/write area is out of range! Failed to map physical memory Writing at 0x%lx -- %3d%% complete. Usage: sf %s addr offset len ERROR: erase area is out of range! ERROR: erase start address is not block aligned! ERROR: erase length is not block aligned! Erasing at 0x%lx -- %3d%% complete. Usage: sf erase offset len SPI flash sub-system ** No boot device ** ** Device %d not available storage device not initialized. Use usb scan error reading partinfo...try to boot raw ** Invalid partition type "%.32s" (expect "U-Boot") Loading from USB device %d, partition %d: Name: %.32s Type: %.32s ** Bad Header Checksum ** ** Unknown image type ** Read error on %d:%d Human Interface, Subclass: %d: %s, USB Revision %x.%x - Class: (from Interface) %s - PacketSize: %d Configurations: %d - Vendor: 0x%04x Product 0x%04x Version %d.%d Configuration: %d - Interfaces: %d %s%s%dmA - Alternate Setting %d, Endpoints: %d - Endpoint %d %s USB is stopped. Please issue 'usb start' first. config for device %d *** NO Device avaiable *** no USB devices available no current device selected USB read: device %d block # %ld, count %ld ... USB write: device %d block # %ld, count %ld ... %ld blocks write: %s ... is now current device boot from USB device print monitor version Insufficient parameter! Hd%d only supports HDMI and VGA intftype, intf %d is illegal! Sd%d only supports CVBS intftype, intf %d is illegal! Vo%d's intfsync %d illegal! Unsupport parameter! setvobg - set vo backgroud color. - setvobg [dev color] stopvl - close video layer. startvl - open video layer. - startvl [layer addr stride x y w h] stopgx - close graphics layer. startgx - open graphics layer. - startgx [layer addr stride x y w h] stopvo - close interface of vo device. startvo - open interface of vo device. - startvo [dev type sync] Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' without arguments for list of all known commands No input devices available! No output devices available! No error devices available! start download process. *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment Environment SPI flash not initialized Warning: Erase size 0x%08x smaller than one erase block 0x%08x Erasing 0x%08x instead Erasing SPI flash, offset 0x%08x size %s ... Writing to SPI flash, offset 0x%08x size %s ... Unknown Architecture %sImage Name: %.*s %sLoad Address: %08x %sEntry Point: %08x %s Offset = 0x%08lx ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at %08lx ... No Linux %s Ramdisk Image Wrong Ramdisk Image Format ## Loading init Ramdisk from multi component Legacy Image at %08lx ... Freescale i.MX Boot Image ** Too many args (max. %d) ** ## Command too long! Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' Hit any key to stop autoboot: %2d setenv slave_cmd bootm %p %p %p miiphy_register: non unique device name '%s' miiphy_register: cannot allocate memory for '%s' Current device: '%s' PHY extended status read failed, assuming no 1000BASE-X read failed, assuming 10BASE-T 1000BASE-X PHY AN duplex read failed, assuming half duplex PHY_BMSR read failed, assuming no link ERROR: NOT USB_CONFIG_DESC %x ERROR: Invalid USB EPC length (%d) USB EPC descriptor overflowed buffer! EPC descriptor out of order! unable to get descriptor, error %lX config descriptor too short (expected %i, got %i) selecting invalid interface %d ERROR, too many USB Devices, max=%d ERROR: USB_MAX_HUB (%d) reached USB device not responding, giving up (status=%lX) USB device not accepting new address (error=%lX) unable to get device descriptor (error=%d) USB device descriptor short read (expected %i, got %i) failed to set default configuration len %d, status %lX scanning bus for devices... %d USB Device(s) found Error, couldn't init Lowlevel part cannot reset port %i!? Request Sense returned %02X %02X %02X No storage devices, perhaps not 'usb start'ed..? Did not get interrupt on CBI cmd 0x%02X returned 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X (NOT READY) cmd 0x%02X returned 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X USB Storage Transport unknown / not yet implemented Sorry, protocol %d not yet supported. scanning bus for storage devices... max USB Storage Device reached: %d stopping %d Storage Device(s) found xyzModem - %s mode, %d(SOH)/%d(STX)/%d(CAN) packets, %d retries Block sequence error Sorry, zModem not available yet HDMI has been Connected. HDMI has been Disconnected. Interface Type %d err! Error channel id found in %s: L%d Error intf id found in %s: L%d Error! DP_DISP_SetIntfMuxSel Wrong Select Error,VDP_DISP_SetIntfEnable Select Wrong CHANNEL ID Error layer id found in %s: L%d Error area num found in %s: L%d Error, Wrong layer ID! Error layer id %d found in %s: L%d Error mix id found in %s: L%d Error priority id found in %s: L%d Error, u8MixerId %d Vou_SetCbmMixerPrio() Set a wrong CBMMIX xtal mode cant't test hpm! Invalid vobuf address! Invalid VOU buffer address 0x%08lX <> addr:%#x,size:%ld,logoaddr:%#lx,:%2x,%2x you should set jpeg picture's address! PicType: %x ,Output Addr, Y: %p,UV: %p <> flash erase config zone %d ... SPI flash sector config erase failed Image %s bad data checksum flash erase log %d ... SPI flash sector log erase failed SPI flash sector erase failed SPI flash write failed, return %d Image %s Bad Data Checksum After COPY update_firmware_flag %s %d, alreadyUpdateFromUsb:%d skipupgrade2 mac %s %s readLen:%d check %s, alread update Failed to initialize SPI flash current spi flash size = %x startvl %d 0x%x %d %d %d %d %d current logo file len 0x%x [ERROR]vga out type %d current used param offset 1 current used param offset 2 avsave read flash error avsave erase first flash error avsave write first flash error change flash env flash param is ok board time:%lx usb time:%lx Image %s bad header checksum Image %s is bigger than FLASH usb_stor_scan number = %d Imageis already upgrade! %s not found update file update image %s header not valid %s read update file err sz %lu %d %s checksum not valid [clear_config_log]alreadyUpdateFromUsb:%d no check usb update device current no check boot param current do_check_flash_boot_param current prod net 100m current prod net 1000m current hi3520d_v300 version 201807231040 [info]Uboot can not find anythiny to update ! Error: inflateInit2() returned %d Error: inflate() returned %d Error: Bad gzipped data Error: gunzip out of data in header invalid distance too far back invalid distance code invalid literal/length code incorrect header check unknown compression method unknown header flags set invalid stored block lengths too many length or distance symbols invalid code lengths set invalid bit length repeat invalid literal/lengths set invalid distances set incorrect data check incorrect length check incompatible version Not enough space. Free[%d] Need[%d] Write DQ/DQS OE Byte%d Write window of prebit-deskew: -------------------------------------------------------- %-10s %-6s%-4s%-4s 0x%08x 0x%-4x%-4d%-4d Sum WIN: %d. Avg WIN: %d Min WIN: %d. DQ Index: Max WIN: %d. DQ Index: Read window of prebit-deskew: Command address window: Min WIN: %d. CA Index: Max WIN: %d. CA Index: [0x%08x = 0x%08x] %-32s DDR training is unsupport. %s entry[0x%08X] size[%d]byte cfg[0x%08X = 0x%08X] Please config DDR training item. Bypass bit: [0]PHY0 : 0x1 [1]PHY1 : 0x2 [4]Write Leveling : 0x10 [8]Gate : 0x100 [16]Dataeye : 0x10000 [20]HW : 0x100000 [21]MPR : 0x200000 [22]AC : 0x400000 [23]LPCA : 0x800000 [24]Host Vref : 0x1000000 [25]Dram Vref : 0x2000000 [28]Dataeye Adjust : 0x10000000 [29]WL Write Adjust: 0x20000000 [30]HW Read Adjust : 0x40000000 Using machid 0x%x from environment Can't add shutdown function,Please increase CFG_MAX_SHUTDOWN count ** Partition %d not valid on device %d ** %d file(s), %d dir(s) Error reading cluster No valid FAT fs found Partition %d: Filesystem: %s "%s" (%d:%d) Vendor: %s Prod.: %s Rev: %s Model: %s Firm: %s Ser#: %s Vendor: %s Rev: %s Prod: %s Unhandled device type: %i Capacity: %ld.%ld MB = %ld.%ld GB (%ld x %ld) Capacity: not available device %d -- Partition Type: %s ## Unknown partition table ** Can't read partition table on %d:%d ** bad MBR sector signature 0x%02x%02x 1 0 %10ld %2x %5d %10d %10d %2x%s Partition Start Sector Num Sectors Type Check Flash Memory Controller v100 ... ERROR: index > length ERROR: USB HC TakeOver failed! ERROR: USB HC reset timed out! ERROR: sohci_submit_job: EPIPE ERROR: sohci_submit_job: URB NOT FINISHED ERROR: ep_add_ed: pending delete ERROR: sohci_submit_job: ENOMEM ERROR: need %d TDs, only have %d ERROR: sohci_submit_job: EINVAL ERROR: submit_common_message: pipesize for pipe %lx is zero ERROR: sohci_submit_job failed ERROR: %s device removed! ERROR: OHCI Unrecoverable Error, controller usb-%s disabled ERROR: submit_control_message: pipesize for pipe %lx is zero raise: Signal # %d caught ddr_ddrt_get_test_addr ddr_training_cmd_entry ddr_vref_training_func ddr_ac_training_func ddr_lpca_training_func ddr_training_cmd_result ddr_training_check_bypass ddr_dataeye_check_dq ddr_adjust_trend_check ddr_dataeye_training ddr_sw_training_func invalid base_dmc[%x] DDRT test address[%x] out of range[%x, %x]. DDR Training Version: V1.2.1 20160503 DDR training command entry. Sysctl[%x = %x] PHY[%x] hw gating fail. Not support DDR vref training. Not support DDR AC training. Not support LPDDR CA training. DDR training result[%x] [%x = %x] WDQS Byte(%x) [%x = %x] WDQ Phase Byte(%x) [%x = %x] WDQ BDL DQ(%x-%x) [%x = %x] WDM Byte(%x) [%x = %x] Write DQ/DQS OE Byte(%x) [%x = %x] RDQS Byte(%x) [%x = %x] RDQ BDL DQ(%x-%x) [%x = %x] Gate Byte(%x) SFC cmd wait timeout. DDR training itme[%x] is disable. Sysctl[%x = %x] type[0x%x] byte[0x%x] phase[0x%x] bdl[0x%x] wl_result[0x%x] PHY[%x] WL fail, result[%x] PHY[%x] WL not found phase, result[%x] DDR hardware training. Phy[%x] hw read dataeye fail byte[%x] data[%x=%x][%x=%x][%x=%x][%x=%x] DDR dataeye dq check type not set. DQ[%x] def[%x] nok, find new value[%x] DQ[%x] not found dq. restore[%x] DQ[%x] range: left[%x] right[%x]. best[%x] mode[%x] Byte[%x] DQ[%x] no win. byte[%x] bdl[%x] middle[%x] accel[%x] rdqs[%x] Move byte[%x] window to middle suc. Byte[%x] deskew fail, restore[%x]. Move byte[%x] to middle fail. [%x] PHY[%x] Byte[%x] mode[%x] win on middle. PHY[%x] mode[%x] dataeye training fail. DDR dataeye training. PHY[%x] Byte[%x] DQ[%x] MPR fail PHY[%x] Byte[%x] rdqs_middle[%x] rdqs_start[%x] rdqs_end[%x] PHY[%x] Byte[%x] not find RDQS, restore. DDR Write Leveling training. Byte[%x] new[%x][%x] old[%x][%x] PHY[%x] find gate bdl fail. result[%x] find gate phase[%x] fail. bootargs=mem=96M console=ttyAMA0,115200 bootcmd=bootm 0x82000000 ethaddr=00:00:23:34:45:66 serverip= netmask= mem=64M console=ttyAMA0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock2 rootfstype=squashfs mtdparts=hi_sfc:768K(boot),2304K(kernel),3M(rootfs),26M(app) mem=%sM console=ttyAMA0,115200 %sroot=/dev/mtdblock2 rootfstype=squashfs mtdparts=hi_sfc:768K(boot),1600K(%s),%dK(app),%dK(configlog) sf probe 0;sf read 0x82000000 0x0C0000 0x400000;bootm 0x82000000 !22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz !22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ethaddr=00:00:23:34:45:66 serverip= netmask= bootcmd=sf probe 0;sf read 0x82000000 0x0C0000 0x400000;bootm 0x82000000 bootargs=mem=164M console=ttyAMA0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock2 rootfstype=squashfs mtdparts=hi_sfc:768K(boot),1600K(sdr120000),13504K(app),512K(configlog) jpeg_addr=0x800a0000 update_firmware_flag=0 fiTXtXML:com.adobe.xmp " id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?> RO07 TVT ONVIF HIKVISION DAHUA CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3 5b7a81fc5b7bceef59e054ab5b850aa 5b7a81fc5bac8f765c19bbb75c0ae238 R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@R@ fiTXtXML:com.adobe.xmp " id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?> RO07 TVT ONVIF HIKVISION DAHUA CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3 5b7a81fc5b7bceef59e054ab5b850aa 5b7a81fc5bac8f765c19bbb75c0ae238 Attempting division by 0! Uncompressing Linux... decompressor returned an error done, booting the kernel. XZ decompressor ran out of memory Input is not in the XZ format (wrong magic bytes) Input was encoded with settings that are not supported by this XZ decoder XZ-compressed data is corrupt Bug in the XZ decompressor YJc`:VV^O3|-k^KE\{{+d WebClient_VPPlugin_v3\npWebClient_VPPlugin_v3.dll N]]}CCccSSssKKkk[[{{GGg =EXP_RW_logoutAuth.xml EXP_RW_motionIntelInvadeInfo.xml n.EXP_RW_motionIntelTripwireInfo.xml EXP_RW_networkConfig.xml EXP_RW_platformInfo.xml EXP_RW_recordDistributeInfo.xml {EXP_RW_rtspInfo.xml .EXP_RW_timeInfo.xml OR_configParameter.xml OR_defaultHardwareSpecifications.xml EXP_RW_platformInfo.xml =EXP_RW_logoutAuth.xml {EXP_RW_rtspInfo.xml n.EXP_RW_motionIntelTripwireInfo.xml EXP_RW_motionIntelInvadeInfo.xml i]EXP_RW_DeviceInfo.xml EXP_RW_alarmOutDistributeInfo.xml SEXP_RW_blackWhiteList.xml EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4 success false weak success Oi"szDSL01167053@16900.gd" * "298425" Uapppoe-server-options # PPP options for the PPPoE server lcp-echo-interval 10 success R_nameserver nameserver "szDSL01167053@16900.gd" * "298425" "szDSL01167053@16900.gd" * "298425" RExternalStorage1-15AE-4D33 RW_formatDiskInfo.xml n {DE4B8A90-6911-5A40-A300-F1F25F7A115B} ExternalStorage1-C0DA-A55A sExternalStorage1-0000-0100 eSystemDB.dat.backup /tmp/factoryConfig/LoginContent.png /tmp/factoryConfig/appName.png i7/tmp/factoryConfig/favicon.ico g/mnt/mtd/runFiles/appName_ex.png 42finalCustomizeInfo.xml OR_defaultHardwareSpecifications.xml cOR_runParameter.xml OR_configParameter.xml i]EXP_RW_DeviceInfo.xml .EXP_RW_timeInfo.xml EXP_RW_networkConfig.xml EXP_RW_recordDistributeInfo.xml EXP_RW_alarmOutDistributeInfo.xml SEXP_RW_blackWhiteList.xml RW_autoCheckUpgradeTimerInfo.xml .EXP_RW_customViewInfo.xml l8EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4 ]root:RSSlzrYabfN1g:19272:0:99999:7::: root:x:0:0:root:/:/bin/sh pe:operation;action:25 EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4 success NEET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4 ^B success pixelformat=ARGB1555 42finalCustomizeInfo.xml T"szDSL01167053@16900.gd" * "298425" root:ko5C6A33pfYQg:19272:0:99999:7::: root:x:0:0:root:/:/bin/sh Startup@2022-10-07 17:33:33 EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4 success EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4